/ / Anstoss (1993-1995?)

Anstoss (1993-1995?)

Simply to add another entry – Anstoss was the game that my friend Benny and I played hours and hours during our “Oberstufenzeit”.

Creativity was important, so we used to play as benjarmin. One of us ended up in the marketing area, the one at the university. Figures.

User creation
That’s what we used to call our single player.

We created our own team (VfL Wolbeck) and our stadium, very maturely called “Benny-und-Armin-Kampftrinkerbahn”, and put ourselves as unstoppable striker (not me) and ultra-tough defence (me). We never (definitely never) used cheats to start with a lot of money.

And after I started the game in dosbox I just realise: Nope, that was not Anstoss. Ok, I got to ask.

Anyway, I remember that the games were as exciting as watching a real life match (well, not really, as miraculously or team always won), and I also remember, that now and then the computer crashed. And I have no idea why. The result is, that even today, if we play on rare occasions, we always plan 1/3 of the time as “reboot time”. I loved it.

What is remarkable, and this is something that I feel more and more while playing the current AAA titles: The graphics was crap, the jokes were bad, the interface very often quite unintuitive – but we really had fun. But then again, the question is how much beer influenced this…

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