Wing Commander (1990)
First Game I ever owned…
Oh wow the Wing Commander series… I talked to @astone about the games I wanted to discuss for this series and Wing Commander was definitely one of the first ones. So much memories are tied up with all the titles in the main series and I was gonna talk mostly about my relationship with these games, playing them together with my brother, memories from my teens and before… I’m pretty sure I’ll still do that later on, but first…
In order to refresh my memory I installed the original Wing Commander only 20 minutes ago from Good old games ( I started it up and…

the music hit me! Memories came flooding back, getting this came for Christmas together with my brother, installing it on our (parents) 386 (1 MB Ram) from 6(?) floppy disks, loading it up and watching the intro in glorious monochrome (about 2 years before we got a colour monitor)… I was blown away (than and now).
After the intro: What happened, why is this ship blowing up, what??? One of the coolest starts to a game ever, starting out in a simulator, getting to enter your name and call sign (and yes I always picked Maverick, we’ll talk about how pissed of I was when Prophecy came around later).

One of the first bars I ever regularly went to. Might have made an impression on me for life.

The baracks… I mean I have stayed in worse places…

Mission briefing I felt right at home

And meeting Sprit for the first time gave me goose bumps…

Back in the cockpit, let’s see if I still remember how to fly

Ah, asteroid field my old friend

Landing ws the one thing that took me embarrassingly long to figure out – 30 years ago.

Well thank you Colonel, I missed you too!

Oh Spirit! Thank you for flying on my wing again! The honor is all mine!

How cool, Wing Commander!!!
Yeah, good times 🙂
Yay! The full-featured article! Oh wow! The opera at the beginning, the cockpit! It was an amazing game, absolutely. I played them up to three, to be honest, later I kind of lost it somehow. Now I am back to Chris Roberts with Star Citizen – but that’s a totally different story (well, no, actually it is not… Except for some slight graphics improvements, a lot of what made Wing Commander can be found in it, too).
Good that I have gog, too – will be tried out asap 🙂
Yes I loves those games and played them all (the whole Kilrathi Saga, WC4 The price of freedom, WC5 Prophecy). Finished all of them as well. I’ll definitely expand this article in the future!