Skyrim (2011-)
Currently, I again started playing The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim. More precisely, the SE. And even more precise the SE with a full load of mods. I loved Skyrim from day 1, and I managed to play it through (is that even possible?) after a couple of hundreds of hours. After ten years, I started again, installing Vortex and fiddling around with the mods. And I must admit: For such an old game, it is, to my mind, unchallenged in terms of atmosphere, wittiness, grandeur, sound, story, sheer size. I love it.

How much simpler can a title screen get? The intro music is simply one of the most amazing ones I encountered until now, and I am happy every time I start up the game.

The loading screen, showing in-game assets while providing some hints about the gameplay. Nothing new so far, except from the fact that it is interactive! Having a light source at the bottom right, you can twist an turn the asset and look at it from all sides. Nice little feature!

A random screenshot from Falkreath, me in the front (Geranowa – named after my very first character in Diablo II), my fellow companion in the rear, some guard passing by. Also in the picture: A dragon circling the mountain in the background. I love the details. Well, ok – this is the special edition with, as mentioned above, a good load of mods. Mods… A rabbit whole, if there ever was one!
Seeing the screenshot makes me think, and I discussed this briefly with mainyny already: I usually play a female character, even in online games. Hm, my way of role-playing, I guess. Also something you might observe: I do not give a damn about my character’s appearance. Best stats – equipped.

As I mentioned, the screenshot above the map was taken in Falkreath, the next one is taken from where the arrow points to, looking to the south-west. Look a the distances. Yes, yes, the Ghost Recon games, Horizon Zero Dawn, you name it, they look better, but sorry, they were released when? 2016? 2020? And believe me: This has no effect on the atmosphere!

Then the start. Whiterun with Dragonreach and my modded Breezehome. And a home it is (with two kids, btw. The most neglected kids in the universe, I sometimes feel)!

Look at the style of the houses, the way it fits into the environment, the NPCs running around (telling me the same things over and over, ok…), the decorations. Amazing.
Dragonsreach. What an architectonic master piece! Look at the dusk colors!

Look at the lights interacting with the environment! Stunning, again, given the 10 years of age.
Finally – the morning scene…

So, this is what is graphically appealing. What has to be stressed: Pseudo-random encounters that you have while walking (running) through the scenery, locations that motivate you to have a look and investigate, and a task list that after a couple of hours is larger than your screen. Dialogues that are witty, sometimes a bit lengthy, but always true to the lore. Fights that are quite demanding on the advanced level, crafting, smithing, enchanting (disenchanting), mining, …
I guess that this is a game I can come back to anytime! If you never gave it a try: It is never too late. I will add my list of mods for those who are interested.
Just for myself: The list of mods I (currently) use:
- A Quality World Map
- ApachiiSkyHair SSE
- Aspens Ablaze
- Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE
- Blended Roads
- Breezehome
- Cutting Room Floor – SSE
- Deadly Spell Impacts
- Deadly Spell Impacts Transparency Fix for ENB
- Diversity – A Character Overhaul
- ELFX – Exteriors Fixes
- ELFX Fixes
- Eli’s Breezehome Optimization Packages and Affiliated Patches
- Enhanced Lights and FX
- Even Better Quest Objectives SE – EBQO SE
- Follower Trap Safety
- Footprints
- Forgotten Retex Project
- General Stores – Auto Sorting Cloud Storage Resource for packrats SE Convert
- General Stores for Eli’s Breezehome
- Immersive Armors
- Immersive Citizens – AI Overhaul SE
- Immersive Sounds – Compendium
- Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC)
- JK’s Skyrim
- Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
- Lanterns of Skyrim SE
- LeanWolf’s Better-Shaped Weapons SE
- Majestic Mountains
- Multiple Floors Sandboxing
- Obsidian Weathers and Seasons
- Realistic Water Two SE
- Simply Bigger Trees SE – (formerly SkySight SBT)
- Skyrim 2020 Parallax by Pfuscher
- Skyrim 3D Landscapes
- Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants
- Skyrim Better Roads (SkyBeRoads)
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE
- Skyrim Textures Redone – Enhanced Night Sky
- SkyUI
- SkyUI SE – Flashing Savegames Fix
- Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod – SMIM
- Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
- Stunning Statues of Skyrim
- The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold
- The Paarthurnax Dilemma
- TruBy9 UltraWide – SkyrimSE
- True Storms Special Edition – Thunder Rain and Weather Redone
- Underground – a dungeon texture overhaul
- Unofficial Enhanced Lights and FX ELFX SMIM fps patch
- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
- Unread Books Glow SSE